Windsor Locks Living History Series
RUssell Meade
An interview with Russell Meade
7/23/1925 - 4/29/2020
Russ Meade lived on East Windsor Hill until about the 5th grade, he then moved to Rockville and did not finish high school but went into the Marines at 16 years old. He heard about the tragedy at Pearl Harbor while in boot camp.
Russ married in 1946 and had three children. They moved to Windsor Locks in 1954 to be close to Bradley Field where he worked until he retired in 1995. He always loved airplanes, cars and motorcycles and went to local races.
Atop Bloody Ridge Guadalcanal
Russ's troop shot down a Japanese plane and then went into the jungle and they found the plane. Russ is the one far left back with no shirt on.
Russ Meade
Russ with a boot camp buddy
Home on leave
Washington Christmas 1944